Message from Country Director
Country Director in Ghana
Thank you for choosing to volunteer with Projects of Heart. We hope that you enjoy every moment of your stay in Ghana and that you find your experience very rewarding as you exchange knowledge and culture with your host country. We hope that you share these experiences with your loved ones and friends back in your home country.
We will provide you with a Welcome Package, which was prepared specifically for you, the volunteer. It contains information about Ghana that will help you to quickly adapt to your new environment as you start your daily activities.
Although you are provided with this information package for you to read through and use as your guide during your stay in Ghana, on your induction day, a member of Projects of Heart will go through the package with you and answer any questions you may have. The package also contains answers to some of the frequently asked questions by volunteers.
You have chosen to volunteer in one of the most popular tourist destinations in the African continent. However, this experience will be unique as you will not only enjoy the tourist attractions that Ghana has to offer, but you will have the opportunity to learn from your host family, the lifestyle, culture, food, hopes and dreams of the ordinary Ghanaian.
In addition, Ghanaians are well known as one of the friendliest people you will come across in any part of the world. This experience will even be greater in Ghana as Ghanaians like to see foreigners visit us. If you show them respect, they will multiply it in return, and go as far as guiding, directing and assisting you as you around, taking care of your daily endeavors.
Tom Davis
Country General Director